Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Family Visit.

Trip to North Carolina
Mason and I just returned for a trip to see his little bother and family. It was an amazing trip. We met Mav for our first time. He is such a beautiful sweet little boy. Wish that we all did not live so far apart. Mason's brothers family has been in Korea for the last year and are headed to Germany for four years. Hope we can get out to Germany we have a lot of folks out there to visit. The military life makes you say good bye to may good friends, but with the invention of Facebook, Skype, and smart phones it makes it easier to stay in touch with all those friends that have to leave our lives. I am not very good at this Blogging thing but i am going to try and become an amateur at it this year. All the comments and feed back i can get will help a ton. I have no clue what i am doing. So Please  please don't hesitate to help me out. hope you enjoy this post. have a beautiful day.